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Coaching and Training - a plea against fear

David Kaspar, Dienstag, 5. Januar 2016

Coaches and trainers have excellent instruments in Hand, to executives in the development of the effectiveness and efficiency of meaningful support. the
Often, however, both in the supporters of the pure Coachinglehre as well as for the advocates of the pure we call "claim ownership": A Coach may not be at the same time, coach and train! A coach not to coach!
I am of a different opinion and argue for the complementarity of Coaching and Training. Only in this way can Business Coching effectively to be successful! Last but not least, also because experience has shown that with the combination of both approaches...

Coaching and Training - a plea against fear

...the customers at the most can be helped.
leaders need to be effective!
Leaders are effective when they are effective and efficient. The Management thinker Peter F. Drucker defines effectiveness easy but this makes it no less accurate: "An effective leader does the right things right."

With Coaching, the effectiveness of increase.

Effectiveness means doing the right things. Here are the basic and perhaps therefore the most challenging issues in the foreground: What are my goals as a person? Such as "work," I as a leader? What are my core values? What are my leadership? the
To these questions to effectively edit, are instruments of the nondirektiven reflection, such as in a classical Coaching have been developed, the appropriate means.

With Training efficiency.
Efficiency means to do things right. Thus, for example, the following topics are dealt with: How I realized my goals? How can I manage myself? How do I convince my Team of my ideas? How do I deal with conflicts? the
For these issues, are instruments of learning, such as in education and specifically in terms of the Learning of adults - in the classic Training have been developed, the most suitable. the
Why is the Reflexionsarbeit important?
Answer the questions according to their own values, principles, etc, there is a risk that a new behavior in the short-term eintrainiert can be, in the medium term, but lost again. The reason is simple: The new "skills" are not their own, often hidden values and principles! the
The System a person is creative enough, and quickly find ways themselves to sabotage the "old" stability is once again achieved. Therefore, they are Erfolgsseminare in Erfolgstrainern often for the long term so little successful! the
Why is the training of key competencies important?
Leaders must achieve results. Results are achieved not primarily through reflective Questioning, but by actively Doing. Managers have complex objectives in a highly complex environment under time pressure and frequently changing conditions. For that you need effective instruments.
With pure expertise can, for example, technically sophisticated machines developed and complex chemical relationships be explored, but technical competence alone is not sufficient to lead people to. the
The skills (including Soft Skills) in the field of communication, self-leadership and the targeted influencing of people in universities and technical colleges rarely taught. This is also for a good reason: Because it is only in the rough everyday work life, personal deficits with regard to these key obviously. But then the time should be invested by a specific Training to acquire! the
The most success with the combination delivers!
I am convinced that the leaders benefit the most, when first asked is "What do I do at all" (= to increase the effectiveness), to then in a Training intensively to the subject of "How do I do it Best" (= increasing the efficiency) to devote. the
Therefore, I combine in my work Coaching with Training. This is why this combination is so successful!
