Kaspar Consulting

Working concept

"Make things as simple as possible.
But not easier!" A. Einstein

This makes our approach sustainably successful!

We work consistently; forward-, resource- and result-oriented and see our customers as collaborators at eye level.

Our coaching approach is based on the understanding that then the best results are achieved when all relevant relationship- and work processes are structurally integrated.

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Cornerstones of cooperation with Kaspar Consulting

With our concept we meet the need of our target audience for maximum flexibility and efficiency.

1. Achieve the maximum in minimal time
We work in larger time blocks (3 - 4 ½ hours). Experience has illustrated that maximum results are achieved this way. From our experience the entire coaching process extends over a period of about 6 months and lasts, depending on the complexity of the subject, 4-6 meetings.

2. Accompanied support via Skype/ phone
Due to current demands, the client has the possibility to contact his coach. In this way urgent matters can be discussed promptly.

3. You don’t have to travel long distances
Coaching can take place in every major city in Europe. The meetings are either conducted in-house (rarely) or outside the normal working environment (normally the case).

For external coaching Kaspar Consulting provides a meeting room on site (eg. Regus). In this way we meet our client’s needs within the shortest possible travel times.

From our experience many of our clients arrange to have 1-2 follow-up half days after having gone through the introductory coaching process. These check-in- sessions are used to consolidate the established findings, to discuss upcoming important leadership issues and to reflect on their own progress.

Our concept: Reduce complexity through clarity and structure


Goals and common work topics
To define the outcome of a successful coaching process in more detail our “checklist leadership skills” has become a very valuable resource)

Personality, goals and leadership
It is crucial that the coachee perceives his goals and values adequately and that it defines his leadership role in such a way that he can successfully live up to his expectations in line with his specific strengths and awareness of areas for enhancements.

Matching the role definition with the corporate culture
In addition, it is crucial that the personal leadership-role expectation is in line with the role expectation of the company.

During the whole coaching process, the corporate culture, in which the leader is acting, is seen as a systemic environment and therefore integrated in to the coaching development.

Ability to act
By working at these different levels, a supportive fundament is created, on which tailor-made working tools and new behaviours can successfully be established.

Because the motto is clear: ”A change for the good does not just Happen. You have to make it happen”