Kaspar Consulting

David D. Kaspars Blog

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Well-positioned. Strategies of soccer for managers (R. Sprenger)

David Kaspar, Montag, 30. November 2009

The doctor of philosopher and Management coach Reinhard K. Sprenger approaches in the book "Well-positioned. Fußballstrategien for Manager“ to the subject of leadership over the working Out of analogies between football and the modern economy. Instead of his readers...

Well-positioned. Strategies of soccer for managers (R. Sprenger)

...with complex analysis, and leadership theories to get bored, he relies on the power of stories – at least the halfway football enthusiasts know.

Not all chapters are like totally convincing, but it is under the dash in an amusing and entertaining book that almost en passent – always smart and thought-provoking passages.

Alone, Thinking about Sprengers statement to successful Fußballtrainern: "Trainer shoot no goals. They can score goals!“ triggers a fascinating reflection on leadership, Motivation and team success.

Here you can order the book.
