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David D. Kaspars Blog

«Personal, Useful, Skuriles and Everyday from my world as an Executive Coach and leadership Trainer» 

Business Books

Handorakel to sophistication (Balthasar Gracian)

David Kaspar, Samstag, 18. Dezember 2010
Handorakel to sophistication (Balthasar Gracian)

The Spanish Jesuit and Lebensphilosoph Balthasar Gracian has, in this collection of over 300 aphorisms from the 17. Century, his observations about the behavior - ways of the people...

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Karaoke capitalism (J. Ridderstrale and K. A. Nordström)

David Kaspar, Freitag, 26. Februar 2010
Karaoke capitalism (J. Ridderstrale and K. A. Nordström)

The title of "Karaoke capitalism" as the subtitle of the book "Fitness and sex appeal for the Business of tomorrow" sounds lurid and a little to the Management of tabloid journalism. Who to (like I was at the beginning of) the book not only your Hand, but it makes a big mistake, Because even for me and my Business Coaching work  is the book of today is a source of Inspiration! But in sequence.
The two Management thought leaders and professors Jonas Ridderstrale and Kjell A. Nordström from the Business School of Economics in Stockholm to succeed in this pleasant-to-read book is an amazing...

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Leadership The One Minute Manager expects (Ken Blanchard)

David Kaspar, Dienstag, 5. Januar 2010
Leadership The One Minute Manager expects (Ken Blanchard)

With the book "leadership - The One Minute Manger is calculated from the" I would like a best-seller imagine, the world's...

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Money - Power - freedom (50 Cent and Robert Greene)

David Kaspar, Dienstag, 5. Januar 2010
Money - Power - freedom (50 Cent and Robert Greene)

A Rapper as a Business book author?
Sounds funny but not uninteresting. With a certain amount of curiosity and skepticism, I have the 300 page book to read. The Plot is not new: He says the typical American "from-rags-to-riches" story. The Hauptakteuer is Curtis Jackson aka 50 Cent. His impressive life story from...

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What is Management? (Peter F. Drucker)

David Kaspar, Montag, 30. November 2009
What is Management? (Peter F. Drucker)

The world-famous Management Guru, Peter F. Drucker is and remains second to none. Again and again he makes the right important questions and is never flat and lurid,

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Well-positioned. Strategies of soccer for managers (R. Sprenger)

David Kaspar, Montag, 30. November 2009
Well-positioned. Strategies of soccer for managers (R. Sprenger)

The doctor of philosopher and Management coach Reinhard K. Sprenger approaches in the book "Well-positioned. Fußballstrategien for Manager“ to the subject of leadership over the working Out of analogies between football and the modern economy. Instead of his readers...

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Jolly Roger - A piece of media history as a model of the high

David Kaspar, Montag, 13. Juli 2009
Jolly Roger - A piece of media history as a model of the high

In this movie I all managers and coaches, highly recommend would like a piece of Swiss history is told. It shows how a few years ago, is still a crazy idea - private radio stations in Switzerland - with commitment, Cleverness...

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Strategy of management of complex systems (Fredmund Malik)

David Kaspar, Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009
Strategy of management of complex systems (Fredmund Malik)

Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik has in his - admittedly not always easy-to-read - work of excellent research on the topic of "complexity" is done. For any Manager, coach and Consultant by profession...

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