A boring leadership seminar, or officer Training: That was yesterday! With the LEAD Kaspar and Bendix a different way than he has so far in the always confusing expectant Seminar and Ausbildungsszene taken. the
Deliberately leave the many discontinued paths and shake the landscape. How it should go? Quite simply: you can link successful Lernformate to a new, unique experience!
LEAD is the combination of...
- Action Learning with Simulation of realistic Führungssituationen
- Development Center, focus on strengthening the leadership skills of"
Leadership seminar with reasonable Theorieinput
- 360°feedback process with zieldienlichen feedback
- Web-based Community with the transfer of learning
- Individual coaching for personal development
- Case Studies i. S. of moderated discussion of the case
LEAD is complex, but not complicated. And Fun!
The following is the typical process of an event.
Führungsplanspiele - effective training opportunity
The multi-day Reality Training "Führungssimulation LEAD" train the core competencies of effective leadership in a practical way. the
What providers have to say!
Meanwhile, there are thousands of seminars, hardly a big differ from each other. Many providers of these 0815-seminars claim that extraordinary tips-training to offer. the
Here is the contents and the course is almost identical: 1-2 days theory with more or less creative loosening by practical Exercises in small groups.
The ödet most of the participants, at the latest after the third Seminar in a similar style, quite strong. Understandably!