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Basic concepts of psychotherapy (Jürgen Kriz)

David Kaspar, Mittwoch, 11. November 2009

A book about the basic concepts of psychotherapy? For Coaches and trainers??

I highly recommend this book, not because I think that Coaching = psychotherapy, but for the simple reason that almost all of the Coaching methods have their origin in the models of psychotherapy.  Whether techniques from the NLP, whether approaches to communication skills or techniques for the induction of behavioural changes: most of the Coaching schools, often referred to as your "own inventions" praise Tools, see...
Basic concepts of psychotherapy (Jürgen Kriz)

...in the approaches of Jung, Rogers, Pearls & co
Jürgen Kriz presents in a concise Form the basics, including the social and philosophical roots of the individual Therapieschulen. It goes in chronological order: Starting with the Deep psychology to more recent developments in the systemic approaches and therapies. That sometimes seems a little academic, but has the great advantage, that the book as a reference guide for individual areas can use. Complements the book by a CD-ROM, which to the individual forms of therapy printable case studies. the
It is for Coaches and trainers exciting reading, always new "Aha-experiences". A further effect is that, through the appropriation of this knowledge, the Expertise, the well-known  Coaching Tools to develop. the
The Coach emancipated yourself from your own (hopefully informed) Coaching education and has the opportunity with the basics won his own Coaching tools tailored. And this is doing the industry good!

predicate: Very much worth reading. The content of the book is my opinion the basic knowledge for any serious Coach!

Here you can order the book
