Kaspar Consulting

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Führungsplanspiele Reality Training LEAD

David Kaspar, Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010

Führungsplanspiele - effective training opportunity
The multi-day Reality Training "Führungssimulation LEAD" train the core competencies of effective leadership in a practical way. the
What providers have to say!
Meanwhile, there are thousands of seminars, hardly a big differ from each other. Many providers of these 0815-seminars claim that extraordinary tips-training to offer. the
Here is the contents and the course is almost identical: 1-2 days theory with more or less creative loosening by practical Exercises in small groups.
The ödet  most of the participants, at the latest after the third Seminar in a similar style,  quite strong. Understandably!

Führungsplanspiele Reality Training LEAD

LEAD Different than the Usual!

seminars are good though, but...
...unfortunately, it lacks in Seminaralltag we know from our own experience - often at enough time, what they have learned into practice to transfer. So is the most often cited criticism of former seminar participants are only too entitled: "Nice theory without practical Use!"
Training - Training - Training
With the Reality Training "LEAD", we go a different way. We do not provide a theory, but let our participants during three days realistic Führungssituationen experience. And although as a guide and Guided. It leaves traces and does not rarely a "Mind Change"!
LEAD - A useful addition to your program!
We do not replace external leadership seminars and no internal Management or Leadership training. We complement you but! the
With the LEAD, we offer your employees the unique opportunity that previously in various training courses and on-the-job" trained in sheltered within intensively to train, and in addition to modify.
What benefit managers LEAD?

1. Perspective-taking

Participants change in our Reality Training "Führungssimulation LEAD" several times in your role. Sometimes they are head, sometimes they are head of Department / team leader time they are employees. This leads to a sustainable understanding for each other's points of view.

2. Intense Feedbackbackprozess

In all the leadership roles you get after each round of play - in protected framework - Feedback from "above" (the boss), "from the bottom" (employees) and by the coaches. the
Both "Hard Skills" (tasks, results) than on "Soft Skills" (communication, etc) critically assessed.  This stimulates the Eigenreflexion and leads to a significant reduction of their own "blind spots".
3. Behavior modification
The comprehensive feedback process often leads to this, that the participants are motivated, their behavior is fun to modify. This is already in the next round, which - in turn protected frame space, try out new behaviour.
So does effective Training with a lasting effect!
Team "LEAD"
Reality Training LEAD is a co-production and brings together the experience of several years of A. Benedix and D. Kaspar in cooperation with managers.

Gratisworkshop - Learn LEAD up close
Live is Life!
If you have any interest, LEAD perform live? Take you with us with the note "LEAD"  contact. We will send you an invitation for the next Informationsnachmittag to send.
Only when you Play through an entire "round" as an active player, you have the opportunity to Lead to experience first hand!
Visit our home page: Führungsplanspiele LEAD

