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Mental training

Mittwoch, 12. April 2017

Your qualifications will avail them little, if your skills at the crucial Moment, are blocked. Mental Training can help provide the necessary performance at the right Moment to retrieve.

Almost always, when it comes to mental Training, to a certain ability, or the creation of a mental or physical condition either new to learn, to stabilize or improve. Stabilize means, an ability so far to train them, even under adverse circumstances, use can, for instance, under Stress and time pressure.

Improve means that you have a condition more quickly and effectively than previously. What you make should be for the current status of your knowledge and skills fit. Plug it in to high or utopian goals, come you might have already been the first step into a Skid and put your project out of sheer frustration back in the box. Quite a few athletes make at the beginning of their career this error.

Mental Training aims at the improvement of three areas, which are ideally mutually supportive:

1. optimal Action
2. the easiest way to get there, and
3. the most suitable Eigenzustand.

The crucial techniques of mental Appearance are...

Mental training

techniques of mental Appearance

1. Observe: Study the different tips and tricks that the experts apply to the various challenges in their field to master.

2. With the talking: your impressions stabilize, if your observations step-by-step verbal go through, so how do you before a trip to ask if you all of the important arrangements have been made. In addition, you can use the essential steps to write down or draw and so deepen.

3. Visualize: Check the necessary actions in your mind's eye like a movie. This can be yourself or another Person, the Agent.

4. Ideomotorisches Train: focus on your inner Sinneserlebnisse and try to get in the right mood to dive. Swimmers do so by as Delfi n imagine. A Patient with a hip prosthesis made progress, as he in his time as a dancer back.

5. Nodes describe: Work nodes, i.e. the key points a Handlungsablaufs out. These nodes provide is usually little room for manoeuvre and therefore need to "sit". On them are based the subsequent steps.

6. Nodes rhythm: to Consolidate the essential Handlungsabschnitte by the nodes of rhythm and the rhythm of the overall effort to integrate. Tennisanfänger support, for example, the execution of the markup by the full of rhythm word "Am-ster-dam". the

The complexity of the entire movement and Handlungsablaufs including all the steps in this way is accurately captured and trained, until they are in the subconscious mind as automatism becomes attached. It is not enough, as some Motivationsgurus teachings, only the goal to visualize what all other like self-surrender. the

Rather, it is the same as with a Strichzeichner: Only a master of this art, the field of work for many years trained and has permeated creates it, with a few strokes and hints of the key features of an object in particular. For a layman, but it would be the wrong way, the same with the shorter start.

see also the book: Well, when you need it - success through Mental Training
