Kaspar Consulting

David D. Kaspars Blog

«Personal, Useful, Skuriles and Everyday from my world as an Executive Coach and leadership Trainer» 

Coaching Books

Coaching for Business (Uwe Böning, Brigitte Fritschle)

David Kaspar, Montag, 3. Januar 2011
Coaching for Business (Uwe Böning, Brigitte Fritschle)

Coaching for Business is a book for all the more about Executive Coaching want to learn.
It's not only the Coaches themselves are addressed, but also, in particular Manger , an Overview of the various Coaching topics...

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Feel, Think, Act (Gerhard Roth)

David Kaspar, Montag, 30. November 2009
Feel, Think, Act (Gerhard Roth)

In this book of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Roth to the fascinating topic of "How the brain our behavior controls" are the neurologlischen foundations of our behavior in (mostly) well-understandable Form described. The book gives a good impression...

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Executive Coaching for Results (Underhill, Mc Anally, Koriath)

David Kaspar, Montag, 30. November 2009
Executive Coaching for Results (Underhill, Mc Anally, Koriath)

A book about Executive Coaching which clearly shows how far Coaching in the Anglo-American region is established. For all European coach, the worrying about the further professionalisation of

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Basic concepts of psychotherapy (Jürgen Kriz)

David Kaspar, Mittwoch, 11. November 2009
Basic concepts of psychotherapy (Jürgen Kriz)

A book about the basic concepts of psychotherapy? For Coaches and trainers??

I highly recommend this book, not because I think that Coaching = psychotherapy, but for the simple reason that almost all of the Coaching methods have their origin in the models of psychotherapy.  Whether techniques from the NLP, whether approaches to communication skills or techniques for the induction of behavioural changes: most of the Coaching schools, often referred to as your "own inventions" praise Tools, see...

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